Work of Art - Winter Session

  • Other
William J. Johnston Middle School: 360 Norwich Ave, Colchester, CT 06415, USA
Feb 05 2025
Apr 09 2025
Work of Art 2 spots left
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed3:15 - 4:30 pm
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Work of Art

Winter Session


This group focuses on practicing methods of de-stressing with fun art projects. Work of Art will provide a safe and exciting space for kids and will create an environment for building self-esteem while exploring art!


Wednesdays starting February 5th - April 9th


For 3rd Graders!


@ WJJMS, Room 403*

*Youth Services staff will transport via 12-passenger van or walking to WJJMS for group. Pick up is at 4:30 at the Gym West Entrance at WJJMS.



All members require a note sent to JJIS to give Youth Services permission to check their child out at JJIS parent pick-up. ONCE YOU HAVE REGISTERED,  you may send this note to JJIS. Without a note sent to JJIS for ALL meeting dates, your child will not be allowed to leave with the group.

You may email or send in the following note to Cris Guinan at JJIS at [email protected] - I have included a template below.


SEND TO JJIS (fill in the blanks):

Attention: Ms. Crissia Guinan

I give my child, _______________________________________ permission to join Work of Art, facilitated by Colchester Youth Services on Wednesdays, after school from Wednesday, February 5th until Wednesday, April 9th, 2025. My child will be transported in a Youth Services van to the Youth Center or walked over, from JJIS to WJJMS after school.

I authorize my child to attend the following meeting dates: 2/5, 2/12, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9. We will NOT be meeting 2/19 OR 2/26.


Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________


Class dates

02/05/2025, 02/12/2025, 02/19/2025, 02/26/2025, 03/05/2025, 03/12/2025, 03/19/2025, 03/26/2025, 04/02/2025, 04/09/2025


Participants must currently be in 3 grade.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 8

Registration period

Registration starts on 01/23/2025 and ends on 02/05/2025.

In-person location

William J. Johnston Middle School: 360 Norwich Ave, Colchester, CT 06415, USA
Program is frozen.