The Compassion Club offers students in grades 4 & 5 a chance to make a positive impact by spreading kindness & helping others. Through fun activities & projects, students will develop empathy, friendships, leadership & self-love along the way! Facilitated by Kylie Fontaine, Program Coordinator at Colchester Youth & Social Services.
Mondays starting January 27th until March 24th (with the exception of February 17th & 24th).
3:15pm - 4:30pm
Grades 4 & 5
Fee: $0
Members will be picked up from JJIS parent pick-up and transported by Youth Services 12-passenger van or walked over to WJJMS depending on weather.
Pick up at 4:30pm is at the Gym West Entrance at WJJMS, located at 360 Norwich Ave.
**All members require a note sent to JJIS to give Youth Services permission to check their child out at JJIS parent pick-up. Without a note sent to JJIS for ALL meeting dates, your child will not be allowed to leave with the group.** AFTER registering your child, you may email this note to Cris Guinan at JJIS at [email protected] - I have included a template below.
SEND TO JJIS (fill in the blanks):
Attention: Ms. Crissia Guinan
I give my child, _______________________________________ permission to join Compassion Club, facilitated by Colchester Youth Services on Mondays, after school from Monday, January 27th to Monday, March 24th, 2025. My child will be transported in a Youth Services van to the Youth Center or walked over, from JJIS to WJJMS after school.
I authorize my child to attend the following meeting dates: 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24/25. We will NOT be meeting 2/17 or 2/24/25.
Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
01/27/2025, 02/03/2025, 02/10/2025, 02/17/2025, 02/24/2025, 03/03/2025, 03/10/2025, 03/17/2025, 03/24/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 4 to 5.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 8
Registration starts on 01/07/2025 and ends on 01/27/2025.
Room: 403
Please contact Colchester Youth Services if you have any questions.